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For what is life but a dream? Wake up. 再生
Yuma (結真), the Beast of Rebirth.

Yuma (結真(ゆうま): Yūma) will be the main antagonist of the upcoming "Rebirth's Book". She is one of The Four Beasts that rampaged across the earth, being known as the Beast of Rebirth. She also fought Kusonoki Masashige alongside Kintoru, Enzukai, and Netamo.

Physical Appearance[]

Yuma appears to be a beautiful tall woman with fair, pale skin, red lips, and short dark hair with short bangs. She wears a dusty Noh theater mask. She wears a white kimono and carries a grey wagasa. She also has blood on her throat, but it is not visible in some images.

Yuma's feet are grey, even though her face is fair-skinned.


Yuma's Creation[]

According to a lore writer, a bored eldritch God created Kintoru, Enzukai, Netamo, and Yuma due to wanting tools/puppets. They became The Four Beasts. The Four Beasts rampaged across the earth, known as Control, Jealousy, Rage, and Rebirth respectively. For ten days they raged against their gilded cage. For ten nights Kusonoki Masashige fought against the Japanese people's plight. The earth shook and our oceans burned. As he fought for weeks, his back unturned. He overcame The Four Beasts escaped unhurt, and sealed these monsters all around Earth.

Control was sent to the east, where she was trapped in a cage, unable to feast. Jealousy was sent to the bottom of the sea, part of a forgotten legacy. Rage was trapped in his strongest cage, seething with wrath and counting his days, and last but not least, Rebirth was forced deep into the Earth, endlessly watching the world in reverse.


Unknown as of now, likely as cruel and ruthless as the rest of The Four Beasts due to her nature as a beast and her sole purpose of existence, to bring havoc to the Earth in order to satisfy the sadistic desires of the Evil God.


Yuma can be seen when you touch the White Skull, a hidden easter egg near the top of a waterfall around The Witch Trials starter area. Her cutscene appears as a snowy land, out in the cold with a beautiful windy ambience playing. She is seen saying this quote, "For what is life but a dream? Wake up. 再生".

In The Witch Trials opening cutscene, Yuma is seen briefly along with the other beasts all in black (for cinematic reasons).

As of now, she is seen nowhere else, but she will be the main antagonist of Rebirth's Book in The Mimic. She also would probably make a cameo at the end of a presumably upcoming Christmas event that could be coming as a teaser for her book, similarly to how Enzukai made a cameo at the end of Halloween Trials to tease its book.

Powers And Abilities[]

  • Transformation: As confirmed by a lore writer, Yuma can transform into 3 different forms at most, usually into animals of her environment.
  • Mimicry: This ability is the main ability of all The Four Beasts, including Yuma. She can mimic any parts of this reality she wishes and recreate it in her pocket dimension.
  • Immortality: As confirmed by lore writers, The Four Beasts were created 3000+ years ago. It seems they are immortal and/or have an unusually long aging process.
  • Levitation: This is an ability Yuma may possess, as the silhouette of her during the opening cutscene of The Witch Trials is seen levitating. The room for her Easter Egg cutscene also suggests she is capable of levitating, though the area is inaccessible without using exploits.
  • Cryokinesis: As stated by a lore writer, the beasts develop certain powers based on where they were sealed, meaning that Yuma likely has Cryokinesis.[1]

More will be added as the chapters of Rebirth's Book release along with its storyline.


  • In Japanese, her oldest name, Hikari (光) means "Light."
  • Yuma's former name, "Gyakko" (逆光, Gyakkō) means “Backlight” or "Backward" which could imply how she watches the world in reverse.
    • Yuma's former name, Gyakko, could be inspired by the White Tiger, Byakko.
  • Another former name of hers, "Yumaki" (悠槙, Yūmaki) could mean "Permanent evergreen tree". The name's meaning may change depending on the kanji used.
  • Yuma is seen in a snowy forest which caused several fans to speculate that she is based off of Yuki-Onna.
  • Fans often claim that her name is Yuki-Onna due to her appearance bearing similarities with this yokai, however, this has been debunked by Lore Writers as her official name is Yuma.
  • All four beasts share a similarity in their Easter-egg cutscenes which is a kanji of their respective positions. In her case, the kanji is (再生).
    • For Yuma, her kanji translates to "Rebirth" or "Regeneration", signifying that she is the Beast of Rebirth.
  • Yuma's current name is a combination of two words which are Yui (結 "Connection") and Ma (真 "Truth"). Therefore, her name means "Connection of the Truth". In other writings, her name means:
    • 夢間 - "dream space"
    • 雪魔 - "snow devil"
  • Fans have theorized her name may be based on the Japanese word for dreams, "Yume."
  • Yuma resembles more of a simple maiden rather than a nightmarish beast, though this may be a facade she uses for her advantage.
  • She is one of the least "threatening-looking" monsters, alongside Biwaki before the mass revamp of Control's Book.
  • She shares the same body type as Mihari's previous model but her sleeves are much longer.
  • Her signature color is white which represents innocence and purity, but can also signify "truth".
  • Yuma 'wears' a Noh/Omote Mask used in Noh theatres which symbolizes a character's gender or one's social ranking in a playwright.
  • Yuma carries a grey wagasa around, which is a symbol of a person having a high rank.
  • Yuma's former name, "Gyakko" (逆光, Gyakkō) means “Backlight” or "Backward" which could imply how she watches the world in reverse.
  • In other Kanji, her name also means "Have", (yu/有) and "Friction" (ma/摩), therefore, this can mean "have friction" or "to have friction".
  • Yuma will be starring as the main antagonist in the Third Book of The Mimic due to a poll MUCDICH made for each beast to appear in each book and because Netamo was only 1,000 short of votes to Yuma. Although this is unknown if this is still the case.[2]
  • Yuma is one of The Four Beasts that rampaged across the earth.
  • Yuma will have her remodel soon, according to MUCDICH, the head developer of The Mimic.
  • She and Keiko share a few similarities in their appearances, but it was confirmed that they aren't related to each other.
  • She shares both her skirt and torso mesh with Keiko and Mihari before the mass revamp update of Control's Book.
    • She also shares her feet mesh with Keiko and Taiyo.
  • Out of all The Four Beasts, she has the closest-looking appearance to a human.
  • Yuma is one of the few monsters that are seen to be floating. The others are Keiko and Taiyo.
  • After Chapter I of Jealousy's Book was released, Yuma was confirmed to be getting a remodel along with several other characters.
  • Information regarding Yuma having time manipulation powers is a confirmation error as it was confirmed by a former Lore Writer.
    • The status of whether or not this information still applies to the lore is unknown. Time Manipulation has been debunked by a lore writer.
  • Her name has three official kanji variations, making her the character with the most name kanji variations in The Mimic.
  • Yuma's redesign will be a playable character in Yokai.[3]


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