The Mimic Wiki

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The Mimic Wiki
TheMimicWikitext 2
This wiki is dedicated to the ROBLOX horror & survival game, The Mimic that is developed by MUCDICH, Sythivo, Karma, and Cactus.
As of 7/1/2021, it is confirmed to be the official wiki!
Wiki Stats!
The following data below is the wiki's statics as of today:
Articles » 431 articles!
Edits » 81,427 edits!

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About The Mimic

The Mimic is a horror/thriller-mystery game created by MUCDICH, released on January 15th 2021. It tells the story of four peculiar entities who were sealed away by a notable samurai to forbid them from inducing more mayhem onto the world.

The game will have four books with four chapters each, featuring one of the beasts as the antagonist.

Four stories created from Japanese history and urban legends with a twist. In each book, you will find yourself as different characters venturing into the unknown depths of mysterious worlds.

You go back to your old high school in hopes of finding your missing group of friends. However, you encounter a mysterious entity that lurks within your school. Eventually, you venture into the unknown depths of a mysterious world.

You are a detective. Being unable to accept your brother's sudden death, you decide to take the investigation matters in to your own hands. However, the investigation ends up leading you to more mysterious and eerie conclusions than you initially thought could occur.


This wiki currently has 431 articles, 81,427 edits, and 9,155 files!

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