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Shоsai ((しょう)(さい)), also known as Kurobōzu ((くろ)坊主(ぼうず): Black Monk), is a gigantic monk and a member of the Kiiroibara Cult. He appears as a hostile monster in Yoki Town of Jealousy's Book: Chapter I, later Kawasaki Ward in Jealousy's Book: Chapter IV.

Physical Appearance[]

  • Shosai is a tall, old man with an appearance resembling that of a Buddhist monk. He has a light brown skin complexion, a bald shaved head, a black empty eye socket, and a remarkable tongue of great length. For attire, he seems to be wearing a torn-out, dirty, brown Yukata.

  • In Nightmare Mode, his appearance is nearly identical to his Normal Mode form, with only one notable change being his eyes. He now has a white, glowing pair of eyes instead of empty black eye sockets. Also, he has a unique chase model and animation; he crawls on all his limbs with a higher frequency of screeching when seeing Isamu. He emits a red light.


Unknown as of now. But probably he was a Shintoist monk who got cursed by Enzukai and brainwashed by it to join the Kiiroibara Cult and started to "worship" Enzukai. We can see in the Jealousy Chapter 3 Release video that he and Kyogi throw Senzai's mimicked body into the sea, accepting Senzai into the cult.


Unknown as of now.


Shosai will pick the player(s) up and use his long tongue to lick the player(s).


Normal Mode[]

Aggressive and fast: Outrunning Shosai isn't possible due to him being faster than your sprinting, so try getting to the nearest safe spot before he can get you. He also has a hearing AI with a cooldown, meaning that he will turn in the direction you are making the sound.

Nightmare Mode[]

Very aggressive and fast: In Nightmare Mode, he is faster than his version in Normal Mode. You must run to a safe spot as quickly as possible.

Gameplay Appearances[]

Shosai first appears after the player(s) finish their conversation with Keneo in Yoki Town. He appears to be hostile and chases the player(s) throughout the town. During this event, the player(s) need to memorize paintings around the town and then submit the puzzle at Tsukiya's puzzling minka, all while trying to avoid Shosai.


  • Shosai (詳細) means "in depth; in great detail" in Japanese, his name when written in Kanji consists of the Kanji for "detailed" (詳/shō) and "thin, fine" (細/sai). The meaning may change depending on the context and the Kanji used.
  • Shosai is based on Kuro-Bōzu, meaning "Black Monk" or "Black Priest".
  • Due to his long tongue, some players mistook him for Akaname, which is false. He is not based off Akaname.
  • As of now, Shosai and Nagisa are the only characters with a long tongue.
  • Shosai's name was confirmed by Lore Writers. [1]
  • When you're being chased by Shosai and you run towards Keneo, Shosai is unable to get you as Keneo's area is a safe spot.


  1. WHY